
Workshops & Events


HI!   I'm doing an interactive LED screen floor with my art for an event in Miami on December 5th.

Dec 5/th

Event for Art Basel



I'm doing an interactive LED screen floor with my art for an event in Miami on December 5th. My animations will react with the movement of the people walking on top of the screen.  I'm looking for someone who can help me setting up Lidar sensors on the screen, be there at the event in case something happens and help me with the touch designer file in general.


Many thanks!




안녕하세요 서울 Touchdesigner 유저 여러분, 서울에서도 드디어 역사적인 첫번째 Touchdesigner Meetup이 11월23일(토) 삼성동 언커먼 갤러리(에서 열립니다. ​TouchdesignerMeetup은 뉴욕, 베를린, 몬트리올, 암스테르담, 도쿄 등 전 세계의 주요 도시에서 열리는 Touchdesigner와 관련된 모든 것에 대해서 축하하고, 탐구하고, 토론하는 자리입니다.

Nov 23/rd

Touchdesigner Meet Up Seoul 2024
