This course will serve as an introduction to real-time generated graphics and data visualization, in the applied context of urban environments. We will be learning node-based visual programming software TouchDesigner, and develop a series of exercises, working with three-dimensional urban environments, basic python scripting, introduction to computer vision, data visualization, image processing, and interactive techniques. No prior programming knowledge is necessary but familiarity with scripting, time-based media, rendering, and 3D modeling is highly recommended.
Workshop Description:
Key Words: Computer Vision, Real-time graphics, data visualization
Required Skills: No prior programming knowledge is necessary but familiarity with scripting, time-based media, rendering and 3D modeling is highly recommended.
Required Software: Derivative TouchDesigner, a 3D modeling software, and Adobe creative suite
Required Hardware: Detached webcam. Laptop or desktop with the following: A minimum of 1GB GPU memory and use of the most recent Nvidia drivers, AMD drivers or Intel drivers is recommended. TouchDesigner uses OpenGL. Desktop Cards: Nvidia GeForce 600 Series Card or better AMD HD 7000 Series Card or better Workstation Cards: Nvidia Quadro K Series Card or better AMD W or V Series Card or better Integrated Graphics NOTE: Not all features are supported on integrated video chipsets and there is a lower expectation on overall performance. Intel HD4000, HD5000 and above Input Devices: A three-button mouse with scroll-wheel is required.
Course Type: Project
The course will begin with an introduction to real-time rendering engines, computer vision techniques and data visualization processes. Followed by an introduction to TouchDesigner, the software that we will be using for the rest of the week for Urban Digital Explorations exercises.
Some of the outcomes for this course will be :
Students will create 2D and 3D real-time generated media.
Students will design non-linear narrative content.
Students will experiment and create data-driven experiences
Students will understand basic concepts for working with interactive environments and computer vision.
Students will gain an understanding of how machine learning can influence data-driven experiences.
Workshop Schedule:
The classes will run every day from June 29th to Friday, July 3rd, From 10:00 am to 1:pm GMT. The Instructor is available for an additional hour, after class, for one to one chats with the students, if needed.
About the instructor: