Workshop Digi Lab 1: TouchDesigner Workshop For Beginners & Intermediate

Digi Lab 1: TouchDesigner Workshop



今年は異なる1dayワークショップを2回開催します。 どちらか1日のみを選んでご参加ください

ワークショップ 1: 初心者向け12月8日(金曜日) 9:30-17:00


ワークショップ 2: 経験者向け12月9日(土曜日) 9:30-17:00





  • NvidiaまたはAMD GPU搭載のWindowsノートパソコン、またはMacBook 2015以降。(不明な場合は主催者にお問い合わせください)
  • TouchDesigner 2023が必要です。こちらからダウンロードしてください。ワークショップへお申込みの前にTouchDesigner 2023を実行できることをご確認ください。
  • ボタン2つとホイールを備えたマウスが必要です。


Ben Voigt

Ben VoigtはDerivativeのプロダクトマネージャーであり、研究開発チームの一員としてTouchDesignerの設計、開発、デプロイに携わっている。また、TouchDesignerの理解を深めるための教育や支援活動に多くの時間を費やしており、場所を問わずコミュニティとの関わりを保ち続けている。

Michel Didier

モントリオールを拠点に活動するアーティストで、経験豊富なマルチメディア開発者。コンコルディア大学でコンピュテーション・アーツを学び、最新技術を駆使した革新的なプロジェクトの制作に意欲的に取り組んでいる。TouchDesignerの開発者であり、Moment Factoryのクリエイティブ・デベロッパーを経て、現在はDerivativeのクリエイティブ・テクニカル・デベロッパー。

Digi Lab 1: TouchDesigner Workshop

The annual TouchDesigner workshop co-sponsored by MUTEK.JP and Derivative will take place at CCBT this year.

TouchDesigner is a visual programming platform designed for all manner of interactive experiences. Its roots were founded in real-time visuals for live performance and today it continues that role for artists in the genre. MUTEK and Derivative collaborate again this year, continuing to introduce and educate new and experienced creators to the technology behind many of the live acts performing at MUTEK.

To better serve the community, this year we will hold 2 separate 1-day workshops.

Please choose only 1 of the workshops to attend.

Workshops will be in English and Japanese, translated for both.

Workshop 1 

Entry Level - Friday Dec 8, 9:30-17:00

This workshop is for those who have used TouchDesigner less than 1 year

If you are new to TouchDesigner in the last year, please join us for this workshop aimed at beginners. The introduction of TouchDesigner concepts and techniques will be taught through practical examples.

Workshop 2

Experienced - Saturday Dec 9, 9:30-17:00

This workshop is for those who have used TouchDesigner 1 year of more

The assumption is you understand the basic node families, how to navigate the interface, and make connections between operators and parameters in TouchDesigner.


This workshop is hands-on and students are required to bring:

  • Windows laptop with Nvidia or AMD GPU, or MacBook 2015 or newer (contact organizer if unsure)
  • TouchDesigner 2023 is required - Download Here. Please confirm you can run TouchDesigner 2023 before signing up for the workshop.
  • Mouse with 2-buttons and scroll wheel is required


Ben Voigt

Ben Voigt is Product Manager at Derivative where he designs, develops, and deploys TouchDesigner as part of the R&D team. Ben also spends much of his time on education and support to forward people's understanding of TouchDesigner, staying engaged with the community wherever he goes.


Michel Didier

Michel is a Montreal-based artist and an experienced multimedia developer. Graduate in Computation Arts from Concordia University, he is eager to produce innovative projects that utilize the latest technologies. TouchDesigner developer and former creative developer at Moment Factory, he is currently Creative Technical Developer at Derivative.

Mutek Japan website :

Mutek Japan Digi Lab 1 JP :
Mutek Japan Digi Lab 1 EN :

Experience level