Add this effect to your lyric video or use it to fancy up your captions on your next social post. This method isn’t limited to text through. You could replace the text SOPs with all sorts of shapes, geometry, etc to transition between.
UV math In this tutorial, we combine a few different techniques for some generative visual goodness—audio reactivity, optical flow feedback effects, and instancing with tops.
Audio Reactive Voxel Ripples This effect was a happy accident that came out of my experiementing with making a stipple effect using instanced force fields in TouchDesigner. I think there's a lot more that can be done with this technique so I thought I'd share!
Force Field Particle Effect Inspired by TD legend Exsstas's tutorial on Crazy warping effects with a complex numbers and Paketa12's UVmath approaches I created a modular toolkit for generating UV maps based on complex numbers, consisting of 2+1 components: ComplexOP - select from a list of c