Overview The TouchDesigner 101 Intensive course at Gray Area focuses on an interactive installation and generative art perspective, and will cover methods of visual experimentation and project building for installations.
user interface
Jan 25/th
San Francisco
https://youtu.be/m98BlIxM_cg In this tutorial I explain how to work with containers and widgets within Touchdesigner. You will learn how to hook up those widgets with a simple audio visual setup.
User interface with widgets
Community Post
It can be easy to miss some of the exciting features that get released in TouchDesigner. One of the ones that is really exciting are the dynamic features added to components that allow them to scale easily with other elements of your user interface.
Auto-scaling UIs in TouchDesigner
Community Post
By now you've almost certainly heard of Widgets. They're the new UI kit and system that was added to TouchDesigner over the course of the last year. It's not only important now, but even more important for the future of TouchDesigner.