OSCToolset is a plugin for Unreal Engine 5 that simplifies the OSC workflow from TouchDesigner. It is designed to work on Runtime and streamlines the creation of the OSC Client / Server so that you can directly send data from one software to another.
OSCToolset v2.0 - Simplifying the communication between TD and UE5
The \ɔ̃\ performance we did at Ars Electronica is now visible on their Youtube channel. Because of covid I was unfortunatly unable to attend the performance, we therefore showed a simplified version without a live capturing of the dancer.
\ɔ̃\ [annihilation]
Overview This asset consists of an Unreal Editor Utility Widget and corresponding TouchDesigner component (.TOX file). The Editor Utility Widget emits Unreal’s sequence editor current frame, start frame, end frame, framerate, and currently loaded sequence name via OSC.
Unreal Sequencer Sync
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create Audio Reactive tunnel in Unreal Engine and control it with OSC from Touchdesigner
UE4 Infinite tunnel - Audio Reactive Loop in Unreal Engine & Touchdesigner
In this tutorial, you will learn how to control light, change actor scale and position, and control level streaming in UE4 with OSC from Touchdesigner