A tricky topic that most people don’t want to talk about: rates. It can be a personal and touchy topic for even high-end and veteran developers, as if they were going to be judged based on it.
Achieve Satisfaction The Waveform Generation Visuals by theRob https://youtu.be/VrTzzoXurg0 false
Achieve Satisfaction - Visuals by theRob
You might be thinking to yourself "Why are we talking about computer security?
Computer Security for TouchDesigner Pros??
It is pretty common to be on a last-minute gig and need to drum up a bunch of visual effects and looks to fill time during your event or performance or similar. Building these yourself may be the ideal option, but it probably isn’t realistic given the budget and amount of time before the event.
Quick TouchDesigner Effects
Materials in TouchDesigner used to be such a simple decision. You had Phong MAT and Constant MAT. That was most of your decision. Sometimes you might have reached for the Point Sprite MAT in situations with particle systems. But that was it!
New Superpowers: TouchDesigner’s Line MAT
Are you trying to use high quality materials in TouchDesigner? Are you finding your TouchDesigner renders aren’t looking up to snuff? Have you tried jiggling all the cables to no avail? You’re not alone. Many folks have trouble understanding the requirements of a high quality render.
How To Up Your TouchDesigner Render Quality
Over the last few weeks you’ve probably been greeted by a new and shiny website for Derivative’s TouchDesigner. It’s been a long time request from users and Derivative have delivered. But why do we need a whole blog post about it? Well there’s a few reasons.
New TouchDesigner Website Tour
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkisf1CYj3A false Comunicacion bidireccional entre Touchdesigner y Resolume. Para enviar contenido visual y tener control de parametros de un programa a otro. En Resolume se agregan archivos .dll, con 4, 8, 12 y 16 dummy parameters.
Touchdesigner + Resolume: comunicación bidireccional
We’ve all been in installations where you need to send textures between apps or process. It may be because of limitations of a process, maybe because we’re using different apps to do different processes.