Come join us for a mind-blowing experience and enjoying Japanese craft beer! Immerse yourself in a world of cutting-edge audio and visuals live with art installations in Omotesando, TOKYO. You can select 2 bottles of craft beer from COEDO brewery.
Digi Lab 1: TouchDesigner Workshop MUTEK.JPとDerivativeの共催による、本年度のTouchDesignerワークショップの開催をお知らせします。今年はCCBTにて対面形式で行います。 TouchDesignerは、あらゆるインタラクティブ体験のために設計されたビジュアル・プログラミング・プラットフォームです。TouchDesignerのルーツはライブ・パフォーマンスのためのリアルタイム・ビジュアルであり、今日もこのジャンルのアーティストのためにその役割を担っています。 Digi Lab 1: TouchDesigner Workshop
→ The schedule has not been announced officially yet (Screening of Finalists’ Works and Announcement of Results: Scheduled for mid-September 2023) The 11th 1minute Projection Mapping Competition, a competition of projection mapping works of 1 minute to 1 minute and 59 seconds, will be held again thi
《Open Call》11th 1minute Projection Mapping Competition
Produced in 2003 by Derivative with architectural visionaries Herzog and de Meuron for the then-brand new Prada Epicenter Store in Tokyo, this was the longest-running TouchDesigner installation as of 2019.
TouchDesigner at Prada Epicenter Tokyo with Herzog & de Meuron Advance the Art of Architectural Visuals
Think and Sense produced a remarkable large-scale point cloud-based exhibit and media control system for an LED wall at the entrance of the new Tokorozawa campus of the media company Kadokawa Corporation near Tokyo.
Point Cloud Mastery from Think and Sense
SOLD OUT - There will be room for observers at the event. For more information contact organizer below. English is below Japanese 我々は、今年で4年目となるMUTEK.jpとDerivative社が共催するDigi Lab TouchDesigner Workshopを開催する事を喜んでお知らせしたいです。 今年の2日間で開催するワークショップは、 TouchDesignerの中級から上級のユーザー向けです。