In this tutorial we create a lovely interactive project using the Face Track CHOP in combination with the Video Device In and Instancing to recreate a sort of prism effect as seen in the movie "The Five Devils" (2022). LUTs tutorial:
In this TouchDesigner tutorial we're using TOPs to create a grid system with which we can remap/displace any input texture in an efficient way.
Dynamic Texture Grids
April 26th 2023 6-9 PM (CET) / In English Language / Online via Zoom GLSL shaders are at the basis of many exciting effects we admire on the internet and most of TouchDesigner is based on them.
Aurelian Ionus – Do it in TOPs - SS23 -04
Warpa is a projection mapping tool for warping meshes in TouchDesigner. Watch the youtube tutorial here:
Warpa: 2D Mesh Projection Mapping Tool
Hi! Sometimes you need noise TOP, that tiles together nicely without any stitches. Probably, main usage for such noises are textures and displacement maps. Recently I found nice repo with such kind of noises and ported it in TouchDesigner.
Tileable noise collection
We’ve all been in installations where you need to send textures between apps or process. It may be because of limitations of a process, maybe because we’re using different apps to do different processes.