안녕하세요, 카로 입니다. 이번 영상에서 Null 오퍼레이터 이용하는 이유를 대해서 설명 합니다. 영상 관련된 블로그 포스트: https://blog.naver.com/swhakim95/222088487242 http://carolinereize.com https://blog.naver.com/swhakim95 https://www.instagram.com/digital.rain/ Music: Jayden Jo https://www.instagram.com/joypark_seoul/
안녀하세요, 카로 입니다. 이번 영상에서는 터치디자이너 처음 쓰신 분들위해 터치디자이너의 레이아웃 및 네비게이션 설명합니다. 궁금한 점 뎃글에 남겨주세요! 구독과 좋아요 잊지마세요~
터치디자이너 튜토리얼 - 레이아웃 및 네비게이션 | TouchDesigner Tutorial Navigation
You’ve got a hold of the new 2020.20000 build of TouchDesigner and you’ve seen some amazing examples of all the new features to support point clouds…but how do you even get started? What’s a point cloud? What are these crazy file formats? How do I use this data in TouchDesigner?
3D Point Clouds in TouchDesigner
In my last post, I talked about how the Engine COMP is one of the features I was most excited about in the new 2020 release of TouchDesigner. It has the power to revolutionize how we approach building projects of all sizes.
Your First Steps with the Engine COMP
It’s that time of the year! It’s Christmas for TouchDesigner developers everywhere! The Experimental builds of TouchDesigner have now become the official stable builds. This means all the beta features we’ve been using and hearing about since the summer are now ready for prime-time productions.
My Top Features – TouchDesigner 2020 Release
Many TouchDesigner developers join our community wanting to create stunning audio-visual performances or installations. Ableton is to go-to application for audio performances being used by DJs, producers, installation makers, and everything in-between.
Controlling Ableton From TouchDesigner
Whether you’re just starting your TouchDesigner career or are an experienced pro, you’ve certainly reached for some tools in the TouchDesigner palette before.
Best TouchDesigner Palette Tools
Recently in the HQ PRO, our members have been talking about their favourite books inside and outside the field of interactive tech and immersive media. I've collated some of the hits here and tried to give you a quick summary of what each of them are about and why you'd want to read them.