For this next video in our artist-inspired series, you'll learn how to adapt Adam Ferriss' "churning hue cycle” shader to function within TouchDesigner.
For this next video in our artist-inspired series, you'll learn how to adapt Adam Ferriss' "churning hue cycle” shader to function within TouchDesigner.
In this tutorial we'll go over the new Shader Park plugin for TouchDesigner. It allows you to easily take your raymarched shaders that run in the browser and bring them natively into TouchDesigner to introduce things like audio reactivity, hook them up to sensors, or render out high quality video.
1 – April 12th 2023 6-9 PM (CET) / In English Language / Online via Zoom2 – April 19th 2023 6-9 PM (CET) / In English Language / Online via Zoom GLSL shaders have changed the course of computer history and they unleash not only the raw power of your GPU but also the beauty of mathematics – at your
This post announces the release of LygiaTD. A native port of Ligya Shader Library. Another one? I know... keep reading for the differences. Kudos to the original developers both Patricio Gonzalez Vivo for the original source and LEITHBA for the original LYGIA FOR TOUCHDESGINER library.
Tired of searching for the same functions over and over? or to port and reimplementing them between platforms and shader languages? LYGIA is shader library of reusable functions that can be include easily on your projects. Lygia was created by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo.
In this tutorial, we'll go over how to take the shaders you create in Shader Park and render them into high-quality videos using TouchDesigner.
This tutorial covers reflective materials, backgrounds (including cube map textures and an atmosphere/sunset simulation)! https://youtu.be/_-_lwnSrwI4
Audio Reactive Shaders with Shader Park + TD Explore 3D shader programming through a Javascript interface without the complexity of GLSL. Shader Park is an open-source project for creating real-time graphics and procedural animations.
Converts shadertoy shaders to touchdesigner format and to raspberry pi format From Shadertoy to Touchdesigner From Shadertoy to Touchdesigner to Raspberry Pi 4 (using the pi3D library) Quickly copy paste any code from shadertoy into your project.