Tokyo Developer's Study Weekend vol.025 Face-Tracking Effects Creation with External Python Libraries Demand for video chat is growing due to #StayHome movement and remote work recommendations.
We have a guest post from Tim Franklin this week about his experiences, lessons learned, and tips he picked up while building media server tools in TouchDesigner. Coming from a background of Watchout and similar high end servers, Tim has been trying to rebuild similar workflows in TouchDesigner.
5 Lessons from Building Media Server Tools
As the use of Python in TouchDesigner becomes more widespread and important, it’s worth taking a look at how we write it. This article discusses ways that we can structure our projects and development practices to keep things clearly structured and maintainable. Click here to read the article.
Improving Python development practices
If you’ve been following along with the workshop materials from the TD Summit 2019, there is one more exciting little tid-bit to dig-into. Thinking about how to create a reusable template for creating toxes is no small feat - especially if you want to include external Python libraries.
Template Toxes
Overview Python has more and more reach these days - from web services to internet of things objects, scientific and statistical analysis of data, what you can do with Python is ever expanding.
External Python Libraries
Working with GitHub and TouchDesigner can be a real adventure – and what I hear most often is why and how. A bit ago I did a little write-up about working with git and Touch, but realize that’s still a bit intimidating for folks.
GitHub & External Toxes
This whimsical and powerful installation featured traditional Japanese origami and TouchDesigner-driven LED. Atsushi Kobayashi, Joe Ohara and Kenta Umeda collaborated with a grand master of origami from Manazuru, Japan to create this perfectly executed audio-reactive installation.
The Making of Orizuru Room a Traditional Japanese Origami Installation
It is our great pleasure to feature the project "dyebirth" from the playfully explorative and technically far-ranging creative label nor. Made up of Japanese artists of diverse backgrounds - architects, designers, musicians, engineers, and so on, nor create's installations and products using hardwa