There are a ton of ways that Python is integrated with operators in TouchDesigner. We all have likely referenced channel values, DAT tables, or controlled our operators with Python. As you work on larger projects, the organizational features of Python start to become incredibly useful.
Python This component takes care of all your reset needs, pulsing all 'resetpulse' or similar parameters of operators included in search. You can enable or disable certain operator types (hope I didn't forget any).
ResetPLS - One RESET To Rule Them All
An often overlooke feature of TouchDesigner is that it can actually host a web server! This feature has flown under the radar for a lot of developers and artists but it gives you an easy way to receive messages from all kinds of other systems.
TouchDesigner Web Servers
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I have been creating interactive projects for over 20 years and a lot of that time was spent in Adobe Flash and later HTML5. A large part of that work used programmatic tweening in actionscript and javascript. One of the main tools I loved to use was called GreenSock which is still around today fo
Tweening with Tweener! A python based solution
Most people think Python is just for scripting state machines, parsing data, and other boring tasks! On the contrary, Python can play a fundamental role in content creation.
Self-typing Text with Python in TouchDesigner Tutorial
We’ve all been there. Deep in a few scripts and barely hanging on to what we understand about Python as we try to wrangle a strange set of features together. And then BAM. Errors.
Troubleshooting Python In TouchDesigner
Hello community, During these times people might be confined, or they might be looking for new ways to entertain themselves, while playing, while learning. I hope this simple game quiz could make its part.