About this Course Touchdesigner is a powerful tool to create interactive media performances and installations. However, some popular rendering techniques like volumetric lights have been impossible to achieve out of the box.And that hasn’t changed.
This component lets you combine normal maps using a much better algorithm then just a standard overlay or add, neither of which are mathematically very close to what should happen when manipulating normals (vectors) for such a usecase.
Reorient style normal map combiner COMP
https://youtu.be/jf718jbSoTU false You can download project file in below link now. https://www.patreon.com/notothetalkingball
How to make spectrum shape audiovisual using feedback in Touchdesigner
Linear PBR UPDATE: 05/28/2020: fixed very small bug in linear<->sRGB conversion functions in glsl tone mapping TOP. --- UPDATE: 05/15/2020: turned compute tangents on for shoes - tangents must always be computed if normal mapping is used.
Linear vs. Gamma in PBR Render Pipelines
https://youtu.be/2kz6PWD3n4g false You can download project file in below link now. https://www.patreon.com/notothetalkingball
How to make a better look using PBR
Learn how to visualise music and perform live December 12th, 10 AM - 5.30 PM In this workshop – held in English - media artist Stefan Kraus will introduce participants to the powerful visual development platform and present best practices for its use in live audiovisual performances and shows.
Audiovisual Shows with TouchDesigner
Are you trying to use high quality materials in TouchDesigner? Are you finding your TouchDesigner renders aren’t looking up to snuff? Have you tried jiggling all the cables to no avail? You’re not alone. Many folks have trouble understanding the requirements of a high quality render.
How To Up Your TouchDesigner Render Quality
It was my first serious experiment with TouchDesigner 099 and obviously I was really interested in the PBR possibilities. It was really exiting to play with that and really motivating to get such beautifully shaded, seemingly tangible geometries so easily.