This intermediate workshop will focus a full day on TouchDesigner workflows for creating and managing a show system and its assets in TouchDesigner. Markus Heckmann and Ben Voigt from Derivative will be your instructors for the workshop.

Optimization can be challenging for many TouchDesigner developers, but it doesn't always have to be. There are some easy tricks and techniques you can keep in your back pocket that will help you get a higher FPS out of your project without too much heavy lifting.
Easy Optimization Tricks in TouchDesigner

Notch is a fantastic tool for content creation but that doesn't mean you can get away without getting technical. When you're working on large projects with high-resolutions and framerates, it's important to make sure you technically prepare your Notch projects to run smoothly and consistently.
GPU Comparisons in Notch
We have our Patreon. You can watch all of our live streaming workshops with the TDSW Excellent plan for $35/month. Please give it some consideration if you are going to continue taking our workshops.We just started our English subtitles challenge.
TouchDesigner Vol.035 Cooking, Optimization, & SceneChanger

Engine COMP is shaping up in a way that will truly change the way we make TouchDesigner projects.
Engine COMP Pro Tricks

First episode of new series "Simple and useful GLSL tricks" is online now. The idea behind this series is to provide simple GLSL code, that could do something that would be really hard to make in TouchDesigner alone (or that would require a lot of CPU/GPU time without GLSL).