課程簡介 「TouchDesigner 體感互動設計」 是一堂專為對體感互動與科技藝術感興趣的朋友所設計的課程,課程將使用目前世界上最主流的多媒體互動軟體 TouchDesigner,其視覺化的編程環境與豐富的互動開發工具,讓學員能夠快速實現體感互動,而不需撰寫大量的程式碼。現在,就跟著我們一起享受互動設計開發的樂趣,不再受技術限制! 在這堂課中,我們將會學習 TouchDesigner 軟體及 AI 深度相機的基本操作,透過實作課程主題,深入了解體感互動的核心技術。例如,學員將學會如何去背人影並加入即時視覺特效,打造吸睛的體感互動牆。
July 19th 2023 6-9 PM (CET) / In English Language / Online via Zoom Depth cameras like the Microsoft Kinect give a set of extra senses to your TouchDesigner machine. They can be used to acquire much more information about the space they surveille than normal cameras.
Daniel Molnar– Tracking and Depth Sensors - SS23 – 16

Running TinyYOLO object detection model on the Oak-D camera. How to send detection data and video frames to TouchDesigner using Python-OSC and NDI-Python, in order to process it further and use it in a creative audiovisual workflow.
Oak-D + TouchDesigner Part 3: Object Detection

How to combine example code from the ndi-python library and DepthAI examples to send depth and RGB video streams from the Oak-D camera to TouchDesigner.
Oak-D + TouchDesigner Part 2: Sending Depth and RGB Frames via NDI

First steps in setting up and using an Oak-D AI-powered camera by Luxonis. This series will explore how to use various AI models running on the Oak-D hardware, then send video frames and data to TouchDesigner for further processing in a creative audiovisual workflow.