Hello! I made a visionOS application that receives 360 videos via NDI and sends hand coordinates via OSC You can download it for free on the Apple App Store now and check the example project files on my GitHub.
Hello! I made a visionOS application that receives 360 videos via NDI and sends hand coordinates via OSC You can download it for free on the Apple App Store now and check the example project files on my GitHub.
Hello! I made an iOS application that captures and sends depth and color through NDI in real time. You can download it for free on the Apple App Store now. And also you can check example project files on my GitHub.
For this quick tutorial, we'll show you how to capture the screen from your tablet to your TouchDesigner network through NDI, and discuss which settings will give you the cleanest results.
Hello! I made an app that can control TouchDesigner via OSC and monitor the video using NDI. You can download it for free on the Apple App Store now. This is also available for Apple Vision Pro. Short tutorial and download links are below.
How to combine example code from the ndi-python library and DepthAI examples to send depth and RGB video streams from the Oak-D camera to TouchDesigner.
Immersive experiences and interactive installations can often become really complicated systems. One thing that pros have been using for a while to help them navigate complex systems are the NDI Tools.
Who would have ever thought I'd be writing about how Skype might be a great option as a tool in our industry? Honestly, not me! But it happened. Microsoft added a pretty incredible feature to Skype that changes the game as far as I'm concerned.
Tokyo Developer's Study Weekend vol.025 Face-Tracking Effects Creation with External Python Libraries Demand for video chat is growing due to #StayHome movement and remote work recommendations.
Licht.Pfad announces a new TouchDesigner workshop for DJs, Musicians and Visual artists who want to stream AV content with brilliant visual quality using the power of TouchDesigner .