"Wonders of Nature" is a current exhibition at the spectacular Gasometer Oberhausen where the highlight of the show is our blue planet itself 'brought to life'.
It is always exciting and inspiring to see how TouchDesigner is being used by students in schools - sometimes for the first time - as a creative tool and to experiment and solve problems.
Fit the Culture | An Interactive Portal
The inaugural Panorama Festival was held this summer proclaiming itself as a "modern-day World's Fair of music, art, culture and technology, showcasing future-forward creativity beyond the confines of the average music festival experience." Headliners included music stars Kendrick Lamar, Arcade Fir
Infinity, Hyper Thread & Origins | The Lab at Panorama NYC
Moscow-based artists and new media producers Yan Kalnberzin and Evgeny Afonin (as Curiosity Media Lab) have been conducting TouchDesigner workshops in Moscow for a number of years now.
Square Root of Sin | Student Exhibition | MARS Center
Brainchild of Christopher Bauder, the modular Kinetic Light System is an award-winning product embedding TouchDesigner which choreographs and moves not just light and pixels but actual physical objects, high above one’s head via steel wire and powered cable DMX winches to which large arrays of light
Christopher Bauder's Mesmerizing Kinetic Lights System Soars
"When you walk in, you'll see a series of netting, mesh material… We want you to touch it. It's all very hands-on. There's six sections within this maze of netting that people can go up to each station.
An Interactive Sonic Play-Space in a Maze of Netting
"On a summer evening, the air is filled with the flash of fireflies calling to one another. Intrigued by their dialogue we created a poetic representation of their conversation.
Maotik's Light Bearers: 2,500 Fireflies Animate and Delight
We first became aquainted with Vincent Houzé through the very compelling and often amusing videos he shares of his artistic and R&D experiments. Above: My first steps with Arduino and a little proof of concept.
Vincent Houzé on Rapid-Prototyping and Working in Real Time
Front Pictures studio has always aimed at expanding horizons in advanced media technologies. A year ago we became acquainted with the studio and wrote about the Fulldome environments and experiences they had been developing and perfecting.