You'll learn how to create a light painting installation in TouchDesigner in this tutorial with Marco. By isolating the brightest spots of an input video or webcam feed and turning them into a geometry with the TraceSOP, you can then add particle systems along the way.
Do you want to do dynamic 3D lighting in TouchDesigner but don't know where to start? This video will show you how to use HDRI and PBR material to give more details to your geometry.
3D Stained Glass in TouchDesigner
Topographic maps, which illustrate elevation levels of terrain, create some very interesting abstract organic shapes when viewed from an artistic/aesthetic standpoint.
Creating Topography-Inspired Structures in TouchDesigner
Follow along with Jack DiLaura as he walks you through creating a minimalist, abstract 3D sculpture in TouchDesigner inspired by the work of Tony Smith and other minimalist sculptors.
Creating Abstract 3D Sculptures in TouchDesigner
In this video, Jack DiLaura walks you through the basics of the particlesGPU component. You’ll learn how to set up geometry for use with the system, how to work with basic forces, add color via a texture, how to use a 2D texture array to apply different textures to different particles, and more.
Colorful Circles: particlesGPU Basics in TouchDesigner
In this blog post, we’ll explore how to export 3D geometry formats in TouchDesigner, including a quick export method and best practices for optimizing your library. We’ll cover exporting to popular file formats such as FBX and OBJ.
Exporting 3D Geometry in TouchDesigner
There are a lot of instances where you’ll be importing geometry or generating dense and complex geometry in TouchDesigner.
Reducing Geometry Density in TouchDesigner
After 4 years of research and development and on the Full Moon of August, Rui Gato released his passion project GeoMusica, an incredible tool that enables one to make music with geometry.
Creating Music from Geometry with GeoMusica false You can download Free / Exclusive project file in below link now.