Hi, This is an advanced example of a portable scene in TD. In here we use 3dTexture to store vertex animation data and we feed our PBR with that texture. I ask for instance indices and with those i read the 3dTexture accordingly.
Hi, This is an advanced example of a portable scene in TD. In here we use 3dTexture to store vertex animation data and we feed our PBR with that texture. I ask for instance indices and with those i read the 3dTexture accordingly.
35 Unwrapped Geometry_pt3 Hi, in this tutorial we will learn how to work with sampled geometry. This technique allow us to work with complex geometry without the needs to use UV as sampling point for our buffers.
Hi, in this tutorial we will use the unwrapped geometry with a pbrMAT and we will apply an affector to the chain. With the affector we will define area where to have deformations and apply realtime effects to our PBR unwrapped geometry :-) The example file i show in the tutorial.
Hi , in this video we will explore a way to manipulate geometry in TOP, so to have interctive geometry in your GPU. This video is the proof of concept of a component i'm developping for the comunity. I share as example a creation of mine, made with this system , file is attached.