Continuing our series of getting you dense release notes summarized in an easy to digest fashion, we've got a big Notch release today that just dropped! It's the first release since the beginning of August and it's packed with new features, new nodes, bug fixes, and lots of other updates.
Notch is a fantastic tool for content creation but that doesn't mean you can get away without getting technical. When you're working on large projects with high-resolutions and framerates, it's important to make sure you technically prepare your Notch projects to run smoothly and consistently.
GPU Comparisons in Notch
There's a funny thing that happens to intermediates and pros once you've been using TouchDesigner for a few years: you stop reading release notes for new builds because you have real work to do.
TouchDesigner Build Rundown: 2020.26630
Let's get it out of the way: we all wish we could export an executable app from TouchDesigner. While we can't do that now, there are some good techniques we can use to make packaging small projects as we ship them out to customers or move them between different systems.
Packaging up TouchDesigner Projects
Engine COMP is shaping up in a way that will truly change the way we make TouchDesigner projects.