

 Keeping Time in TouchDesigner.jpg
Community Post

Time in TouchDesigner is a strange thing. Especially when it comes to the context of building projects that have time-based triggers or actions or scripts. Do you lock things to the timeline? Do you run Python scripts on delay? Do you lean into Timer CHOP? This is precisely the problem!

Keeping Time in TouchDesigner

Community Post

Description Ce workshop est le premier organisé par la communauté officielle Touchdesigner France , en raison des mesures de confinements liées au Covid-19, le workshop se tiendra en ligne.

Apr 23/rd

[FRENCH] Workshop débutant - Introduction aux TOPs


Tech Workshop: TouchDesigner 101 en ImaginCafé BCN Image credits   TouchDesigner​ es una plataforma de desarrollo visual que proporciona las herramientas necesarias para crear todo tipo de proyectos en tiempo real.

Feb 8/th

Tech Workshop: TouchDesigner 101


A beginner workshop for getting started with TouchDesigner This 2-day beginner workshop is for everyone who wants start creating with TouchDesigner.

Feb 22/nd

TouchDesigner 101 Workshop
