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Hello, in this update, I am showing my first flow.  My goal is to have 8 video inputs and output them onto 4 different displays.  The video ins are 1080P 60, and the Outputs are UHD 60, in portrait mode.  I am creating a canvas that has all 4 screens in portrait mode as one canvas.  The reason I'm d

Dream Alchemist - Utopia Pinball VideoWall and Show Screen Part 2, first flow and Hardware


課程簡介 「TouchDesigner 互動媒體設計入門」 是一堂針對所有對科技藝術、互動設計有興趣的朋友所設計的初階入門課程,課程將帶你認識目前世界上最主流的多媒體互動軟體 TouchDesigner ,以視覺化程式設計的角度,理解軟體的開發流程與運算邏輯,讓你不再被傳統的程式語言限制住,盡情享受視覺化程式創作的樂趣! 在這堂課中,我們由簡入深設計了三個課程主題,如動態海報設計、創意模型生成、互動影音系統,透過專案實作與練習,學習軟體最核心的基礎功能 - 圖像合成與數據控制、模型渲染與實例化、影音系統與互動邏輯設計,以建立扎實的基本功,幫助你在後續學習進階應用時更加得心應手。

Jul 3/rd

TouchDesigner 互動媒體設計入門

Community Post

Continuing on in my learning with "Absolute Beginner TouchDesigner | From Zero to Hero" by AcrylicCode on youtube, I did not expect us to be jumping to 3d objects so soon, but I'm very excited to so. Most of the operators relating to 3D objects are SOPs, and a new category called COMPS.

My Learning Journey 04 - Now we're in 3d!!!

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