BLND Academy 工作營簡介 「TouchDesigner 互動媒體設計工作營」是一個為期 5 天結合科技藝術與互動設計的暑期工作營。在這場工作營中,我們將引領學員使用當今全球最主流的多媒體互動軟體 - TouchDesigner,透過基礎軟體訓練、各式數位設計方法及科技媒材的應用,學員將能夠快速且深入地探索互動媒體設計的世界,並享受創作與實驗的樂趣! 本工作營由新媒體藝術家蔡秉樺、盧卡.博納科爾西(Luca Bonaccorsi)和江俊毅三位導師共同設計與授課。他們將以淺顯易懂的方式帶領大家實作不同階段的課程主題,如音像藝術創作、互動裝置設計、燈光藝術裝置等。
TDYVR Calling all TD users to join in a night of discussion, project-exploration and networking. 20-30 minute TouchDesigner project shares here in Vancouver, BC. 6:30-7:00 - Welcome + Meet 7-8:30 - Community Members Present Projects
TouchDesigner YVR - June Edition
Calling all TD users to join in a night of discussion, project-exploration and networking. Returning to our monthly format of 20-30 minute TouchDesigner project shares here in Vancouver, BC. 6:30-7:00 - Welcome + Meet 7-8:30 - Community Members Present Projects
TouchDesigner YVR - April Edition
TDYVR Continuing our monthly series of TouchDesigner meetups here in Vancouver, BC. Calling all TD users to join and share in a night of discussion, project-sharing and networking. 6:30-7:00 - Welcome + Meet 7-8:30 - Community Members Present Projects
TouchDesigner YVR - March Edition
This event, 'TOUCHDESIGNER COMMUNITY IN ARGENTINA 2023,' will be the second meet-up and free/open event organized by artists and users from Argentina. On this special occasion, we will have five artists from Argentina, one artist from Chile, and another artist from Uruguay.
This event 'TOUCHDESIGNER COMMUNITY IN ARGENTINA 2023' will be the first meet-up and free-open event organized by artists and users from Argentina.
Exploring the Capabilities of the Dragon’s Volumetric Immersive Reality in Audiovisual Art Experiences. An installation where the viewer takes on the role of the operator, controlling thousands of LED neurons and transforming the Dragon Volumetric LED Display into an interactive environment ORIGI
ORIGINS 1.0 – A journey into an alternative reality.
This workshop is live and recorded, the workshop will be made available on-demand a few days after its live date. Series of 2 workshops of 2hrs each Session 1: Sunday June 19 / 4pm UK, 5pm Berlin, 8am LA, 11am NYC Session 2: Sunday June 26 / 4pm UK, 5pm Berlin, 8am LA, 11am NYC TouchDesigner is the
Intro to Visualizing Sound with TouchDesigner
Hey folks, I put together a tutorial to make a sort of 3D Matrix Code visual. I hope you like it. It uses some knowledge adapted from Paketa12 (3D Texture instancing / Analyze reactivity). If you have any suggestions, please let me know. kindly, otodojo