Audio-reactive Geometries being intervened in hopefully cool ways with Stable WarpFusion [could also be Stable Diffusion, or ConfyUI].
Audio-reactive Geometries being intervened in hopefully cool ways with Stable WarpFusion [could also be Stable Diffusion, or ConfyUI].
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcsdby8oxAM OSCToolset is a plugin for Unreal Engine 5 that simplifies the OSC workflow from TouchDesginer. It is designed to only send messages during runtime (while playing) in the UE5 session.
After YouTube randomly recommending me a video about an open source visual design system called "tooll3", I knew I need to try making something in it. Unfortunately, building it from sources required heaps of effort at that time, so I decided to try the thing that inspired it -- TouchDesigner.
In this tutorial, we explore how to drive your visuals in TouchDesigner that normally use time with audio analysis/beat detection. Link to Patreon
Never Knows Better presents NKB X ARS ELECTRONICA This showcase features 13 NYC-based audio visual acts who will perform live for ARS ELECTRONICA 2021 at CULTURE LAB New York City Sept.
I made this tool to get some control channels from multitrack audio when creating music video's. Select a folder and it will load all audio files within and play them back in sync. It will also set the project length to the length of the first found file and turn off looping.
OBJECTIFS DE LA FORMATION TouchDesigner est un logiciel procédural de création et de diffusion de contenus audiovisuels interactifs.Extrêmement configurable et paramétrable, il permet une vraie liberté dans le processus créatif et despossibilités illimitées.
https://vimeo.com/508440260 the.collapse live performance has been created early 2021 based on the eponymous album released on ETER Lab during the pandemic crisis à, 20/03/2020. All visual aesthetic is based upon old failed polaroid which let only see the frozen chemical process.
In this tutorial, we create a reusable component for kick and snare detection using CHOPs in TouchDesigner. Tips, Tricks and FAQs Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... If you have any questions, feel free to ask!