Stop Motion Creator for TouchDesigner This user-friendly app allows you to easily create stunning stop-motion animations. With an intuitive interface, you can capture each frame with precision and seamlessly export your final animation.
Hello, I'm learning TouchDesigner (TD) since January 2024, did follow a course at SAT and tried by myself a few tutorials.
First blog post on TouchDesigner about Litte Planet
In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create time slices of animations and display them in a flexible grid. This enables you to essentially show the entirety of an animation or video in one frame. Make sure to have Realtime turned off when working on this technique.
Time Grids – TouchDesigner Tutorial 71
In this tutorial, we explore an instancing system driven by audio data, to create mandala like patterns and shapes. By integrating patternCHOPs, it can be easy to animate the instances in a pleasing way.
Audio Reactivity and Instancing Tutorial
characters animation Here an asset for animate title and typography ! It use Geo Text Comp to create Intro, Stay, Outro animation. Here some Custom Parameters thant you can play with.
In this video, Crystal covers how to make a generative ornament animation in TouchDesigner. The look is inspired by Thomas Weil's 'New Grammar of Ornament' book. She'll look at different ways of using TOP compositing and tiling with Transform TOP to achieve this look.
New Grammar of Ornament in TouchDesigner Pt. 2
John Whitney is one of the pioneers of computer animation, well known for his work both in the commercial and artistic fields. In the 1950s and 60s, he developed many innovative visual effects with his home-built computer, which he crafted from a modified antiaircraft director from World War II.
John Whitney-style Oscillating Animation in TouchDesigner
I have been creating interactive projects for over 20 years and a lot of that time was spent in Adobe Flash and later HTML5. A large part of that work used programmatic tweening in actionscript and javascript. One of the main tools I loved to use was called GreenSock which is still around today fo
Tweening with Tweener! A python based solution
To automate some tasks putting keyframes over the timeline. It works leaving marks (ctrl+shift+f) in the current frame , to send pulses each time the playhead goes over those frames. These marks or key[F]rames can be sent as a channel by 'id' to an Animation Component in which these can be edited.