Generative Narratives for Change:
Entangled Dimensions AI art exhibition Entangled Dimensions: Art in the Age of Neural Media Location: Illuminarium, Distillery District, 28 Gristmill Lane Dates: Oct 8: noon-5:00pm | Oct 9: noon-8pm Partners: City of Toronto, TMU, Human Feedback Foundation FREE Admission
Entangled Dimensions: Art in the Age of Neural Media

How AI is Transforming Interactive Experiences with TouchDesigner Hi everyone, I'm Davide Carbone, a creative engineer at LivingSparks Studio .
Real-Time Magic: Integrating TouchDesigner and ONNX models

Exploring the Capabilities of the Dragon’s Volumetric Immersive Reality in Audiovisual Art Experiences. An installation where the viewer takes on the role of the operator, controlling thousands of LED neurons and transforming the Dragon Volumetric LED Display into an interactive environment ORIGI
ORIGINS 1.0 – A journey into an alternative reality. false I created an audio-visual using Google Cloud Speech API and Google Translate. The visual concept is to "making art out of imperfection" The challenge this time was to use AI to translate and visualize the lyrics into words.