Jack DiLaura walks you through some of the core concepts behind the new POP family of operators in TouchDesigner.
Ruth Asawa was an American artist known for her abstract looped-wire sculptures inspired by natural and organic forms. In the continuation of our TouchDesigner artist-inspired series, Crystal Jow takes you through copy SOP techniques to create a loop-like effect for a 3D shape.
Generative Ruth Asawa in TouchDesigner
課程簡介 「Cube Light 光立方裝置設計」 為「Pixel Light 燈光藝術裝置設計」的延伸課程,這堂課將專注於設計 3D 模型動態成像,實現 LED 光立方裝置!課程將使用視覺化多媒體開發軟體 TouchDesigner ,並提供光立方開發工具包,讓你不需要編寫複雜的程式,就能享受光立方的創作樂趣! 在這堂課中,你將學習如何在 TouchDesigner 軟體中模擬光立方的裝置結構,讓你能夠即時預覽與製作燈光視覺內容,進一步掌握 2D 動態視覺、3D 立體模型等視覺內容製作技巧,最後,我們將實際搭建一個光立方裝置,將製作好的視覺內容放入裝置中,完美呈現 3D 立體成像效果。
Cube Light 光立方裝置設計
Dive into the world of ZED cameras and their integration with the latest TouchDesigner update. This post will explore the key new features of ZED cameras, how they can be implemented in our TouchDesigner workflow, and offer inspiring examples of how they can be creatively applied in your projects.
Updated ZED Camera Features in TouchDesigner
Do you want to do dynamic 3D lighting in TouchDesigner but don't know where to start? This video will show you how to use HDRI and PBR material to give more details to your geometry.
3D Stained Glass in TouchDesigner
A Greek National Opera (GNO) partnership with the Digital Media Lab (DmLab) of the Technical University of Crete. The event forms part of the Greek National Opera’s tribute programme marking the centennial anniversary of Maria Callas’ birth.
Visualising the voice of Maria Callas.
Topographic maps, which illustrate elevation levels of terrain, create some very interesting abstract organic shapes when viewed from an artistic/aesthetic standpoint.
Creating Topography-Inspired Structures in TouchDesigner
In this article, we’ll be going over the build of a 3D flight scene in TouchDesigner. This will be an opportunity for beginners to brush up on their instancing skills, as well as getting in touch with generative coloring methods for our scene.
3D Flight Scene in TouchDesigner
Have you mastered TouchDesigner 2D textures and TOPs and are interested in working in 3D? You can generate, import, modify and combine 3D geometry in the SOP (Surface Operator) family. This blog will let you know what SOPs you should know and the benefits and drawbacks of working with them.