
Sort SOP


The Sort SOP allows you to sort points and primitives in different ways. Sometimes the primitives are arranged in the desired order, but the point order is not. There are many possible combinations. To sort vertices, use the Primitive SOP.


Parameters - Point Page

Point Sort ptsort - - Sort the points in the input geometry, according to the following criteria:

  • No change none - No sorting is applied.
  • By vertex order vtxord - Order points in same order as vertices.
  • By x byx - Sort according to X position.
  • By y byy - Sort according to Y position.
  • By z byz - Sort according to Z position.
  • Reverse rev - Reverse the point order.
  • Random seed - Randomize point order using the specified seed without changing the point positions.
  • Shift shift - Shift points by the amount specified on the Offset parameter.
  • Proximity to Point prox - Sort points by their proximity to the specified point.
  • Along Vector vector - Sorts points along either a user or object-defined vector.
  • Distance to Object object - Sorts points based on distance to the object specified in the Vector Object parameter.
  • Closest Neighbour neighbour - Reorders points based on next closest. Slow nxn search.

Seed pointseed - The random seed when Point Sort is set to Random.

Offset pointoffset - Shift point order by the amount specified on the offset line.

Point pointprox - - The X, Y and Z coordinates to reference when sorting by Proximity to Point.

  • X pointproxx -
  • Y pointproxy -
  • Z pointproxz -

Vector Object pointobj - Sort points along a vector defined by the object's transformation values.

Vector pointdir - - Allows you to specify a unique vector along which points can be sorted.

  • X pointdirx -
  • Y pointdiry -
  • Z pointdirz -

Parameters - Primitive Page

Primitive Sort primsort - - Sort the primitives according to the following criteria:

  • No change none - No sorting is applied.
  • By x byx - Sort according to X position.
  • By y byy - Sort according to Y position.
  • By z byz - Sort according to Z position.
  • By Type bytype -
  • Reverse rev - Reverse primitive order.
  • Random seed - Randomize primitive order using the specified seed without changing the primitive positions.
  • Shift shift - Shift primitives by the amount the specified on the Offset parameter.
  • Proximity to Point prox - Sort primitives by their proximity to the specified point.
  • Along Vector vector - Sorts primitives along either a user or object-defined vector.
  • Distance to Object object - Sorts primitive based on distance to the object specified in the Vector Object parameter.

Seed primseed - Random seed when sorting by Random.

Offset primoffset - Shift primitive order by the amount specified on the offset line.

Point primprox - - The X, Y and Z coordinates to reference when sorting by Proximity to Point.

  • X primproxx -
  • Y primproxy -
  • Z primproxz -

Vector Object primobj - Sort primitives along a vector defined by the object's translation.

Vector primdir - - Allows you to specify a unique vector along which primitives can be sorted.

  • X primdirx -
  • Y primdiry -
  • Z primdirz -

Parameters - Particle Page

Particles are sorted on a per-particle system basis. That is if you have a SOP with 2 different particle system primitives, they are sorted independently of each other.

Particle Sort partsort - - Sort the primitives according to the following criteria:

  • No change none - No sorting is applied.
  • By x byx - Sort according to X position.
  • By y byy - Sort according to Y position.
  • By z byz - Sort according to Z position.
  • Reverse rev - Reverse particle order.
  • Shift shift - Shift particles by the amount the specified on the Offset parameter.
  • Proximity to Point prox - Sort particle by their proximity to the specified point.
  • Along Vector vector - Sorts particles along either a user or object-defined vector.
  • Distance to Object object - Sorts particles based on distance to the object specified in the Vector Object parameter.

Reverse Results partreverse - Reverses the result from the Particle Sort as defined above.

Offset partoffset - Shift particle order by the amount specified on the offset line.

Point partprox - - The X, Y and Z coordinates to reference when sorting by Proximity to Point.

  • X partproxx -
  • Y partproxy -
  • Z partproxz -

Vector Object partobj - Sort particles along a vector defined by the object's translation.

Vector partdir - - Allows you to specify a unique vector along which particles can be sorted.

  • X partdirx -
  • Y partdiry -
  • Z partdirz -

Operator Inputs

  • Input 0: -

Info CHOP Channels

Extra Information for the Sort SOP can be accessed via an Info CHOP.

Common SOP Info Channels

  • num_points - Number of points in this SOP.
  • num_prims - Number of primitives in this SOP.
  • num_particles - Number of particles in this SOP.
  • last_vbo_update_time - Time spent in another thread updating geometry data on the GPU from the SOP's CPU data. As it is part of another thread, this time is not part of the usual frame time.
  • last_meta_vbo_update_time - Time spent in another thread updating meta surface geometry data (such as metaballs or nurbs) on the GPU from the SOP's CPU data. As it is part of another thread, this time is not part of the usual frame time.

Common Operator Info Channels

  • total_cooks - Number of times the operator has cooked since the process started.
  • cook_time - Duration of the last cook in milliseconds.
  • cook_frame - Frame number when this operator was last cooked relative to the component timeline.
  • cook_abs_frame - Frame number when this operator was last cooked relative to the absolute time.
  • cook_start_time - Time in milliseconds at which the operator started cooking in the frame it was cooked.
  • cook_end_time - Time in milliseconds at which the operator finished cooking in the frame it was cooked.
  • cooked_this_frame - 1 if operator was cooked this frame.
  • warnings - Number of warnings in this operator if any.
  • errors - Number of errors in this operator if any.

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