Face Track CHOP / SOP using Nvidia's AR SDK, Kinect Azure and ZED SDK updates, 10-bit support for Datapath cards, bug fixes and improvements.
Release Notes
Apr 08, 2021
New Features
Face Track CHOP - Provides high performance face tracking through Nvidia's Face Tracking AR SDK. Requires Windows and Nvidia RTX GPU.
Kinect Azure TOP / Kinect Azure CHOP - Updated to version 1.1.0 of the Kinect Azure Body Tracking library. Adds support for Nvidia RTX 30xx, AMD and Intel GPUs.
New resizable parameter page tabs allows for a smaller minimum parameter dialog size, see Geometry COMP or Actor COMP as an example. More importantly this provides needed support for Custom Parameter pages and page names of any size, which was often an issue in the Notch TOP using Notch blocks with many layers.
New Python
Renamed page switcher from n.par.stdswitcher to n.par.pageindex. This can be used to set the current page of any operator.
Drag-and-Drop - Abort drag process (cursor changes, further callbacks etc) if onDragStartGetItems() returns empty list.
app.paletteFolder - reports the installation folder containing palette files.
DAT Class.editable - True if the DAT contents can be edited (Text DATs, Table DATs, locked DATs etc).
par.lastScriptChange - New debugging feature that returns the location of the script which last update this parameter's value. Note: this has a performance impact and therefore must be turned on in the Preferences Dialog ie. Edit > Preferences...
New Palette
Bug Fixes and Improvements
TouchEngine / Engine COMP - Improved behavior when renaming parameters/pages/inputs, also fixing some issues with these when reloading the Engine COMP.
Geometry COMP - Fixed incorrect transform order with instanced 'Tex Coord Transform Order' parameter.
GLSL TOP - Fixed a crash that can occur when using multiple color buffers and multiple passes with compute shaders.
Screen Grab TOP - Fixed bug when capturing a source with a vertical position below the primary display.
Text TOP - Fixed incorrect alpha on edge pixels when using Scalable text (either using Display Method = Scalable or using Automatic when Font Size > 16).
Timer CHOP - Fixed onSegmentEnter being skipped when segment changes in another onSegmentEnter callback.
OP Find DAT - Improvement so when 'Active'=Off, clicking 'Pulse' will cook the OP Find DAT and update the results.
Web Server DAT - Fixed a crash that could occur on macOS.
Setting ui.preference value will now take place immediately, not after the script is completed.
Fixed 'Copy into' option when dragging tiles onto a component.
Added cook dependencies for gpuCookTime and cpuCookTime so they properly update when used in expressions.
Fixed 'Quadro' detection for Nvidia A6000 GPUs.
Fixed locked 2D TOPs with greater than 1280x1280 resolution not loading correctly when using non-commercial licenses.
Large reduction in GPU memory usage by not loading scalable fallback fonts unless they are needed.
Large reduction to CPU memory usage by not loading OpenCV unless it is needed.