Nov 1, 2019
New Features
Kinect TOP - Improvements for Kinect V2.
Added Depth Space Point Cloud output.
Added ability to remap color to depth space. This is useful to create a cleaner (but lower resolution) point cloud along with 'Depth Space Point Cloud' than the one that is in color space, as it has less points that have unknown positions.
DAT to CHOP - Added 'Duplicate Names' menu to keep first, last, or most recently changed values.
Custom Operators - New example for CPUMemoryTOP that shows threading along with utility class to help make that easier to do.
New Palette
TDAbleton - Version 1.22.0
Added Jump To Cuepoint features to abletonSong.
Added empty TDA Live Set to Samples.
Fixed Textport dump when adding TDA_Master.
Fixed bug when there is a device with no parameters present in the Live Set.
Palette:moviePlayer - Updated to v31.
More strict checks on pre-reading/loading files on network http:// and https:// naming.
Some internal cue components' disabled parameters changed to read-only to assure proper cooking.
New Python
Pane Class.enable - Get or Set mouse and keyboard interactivity on the pane.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Notch TOP - Updated to SDK v0.9.22.
Bullet Solver COMP - Fixed onStart and onInit callbacks.
GLSL TOP - Fixed recent bug where more than 4 compute outputs could not be used.
NDI In TOP - Fixed a case where audio input would not work.
NDI In TOP - Avoid crash when changing audio buffer length to 0.
Composite TOP - Fixed crash that can occur when connecting too many inputs to this node (64 or so).
DMX In CHOP / DMX Out CHOP - Fixed the 'Serial Port' parameter menu so that it enumerates correctly on macOS.
Timer CHOP - Include timer_pulse even if segment is at least 1 frame long.
Feedback CHOP - Fixed cooking bug.
WebSocket DAT - Fixed sending binary/text for packets larger than 64k.
WebSocket DAT.sendBinary() now supports bytearray as well as bytes type.
Keyboard In DAT - Some improvements for macOS like better support for Cmd, Function, and Arrow keys.
OP Find DAT - Fixed double callback when pulsing 'Refresh'.
CPlusPlus DAT - Fixed issue with using incorrect string data from inputs.
Field COMP - Fixed issue where field content would not be updated before panel value changed, returning incorrect data from field in some cases. (Key Manager 'Login' button for example)
Fixed Offline Help in macOS, improved system updates documentation each build.
Fixed intermittent crash when accessing Preset parameter menus.
Fixed Geometry Viewer Pane so space/s keys etc will change geometry pane state when held down.