Mirror TOP, Substance 4K, Camera Quad Reprojection, Text SOP extrude and bug fixes
Release Notes
Nov 29, 2018
New Features
Web Render TOP - Now works using Non-Commercial licences (this is still Windows only, macOS coming soon).
Substance TOP - Upgraded to most recent Substance Designer engine, now has support for 4k textures.
Text SOP - Added ability to extrude generated geometry. Windows only this build, next build will have macOS functioning.
Camera COMP - Added Quad Reprojection support. This allows an arbitrary section of a render, as defined by 4 points from a SOP, to be treated as the projection plane. The contents of the quad are reprojected to fill the final output view as part of the render, resulting in a full resolution render for that sub-region of the original render.
Search External Python Path Last added to preferences to control the order custom python module paths are searched, either before or after TouchDesigner's builtin modules.
Geometry Viewer - Homing now works for instanced geometry.
New Palette
Palette:moviePlayer - Version 17 improvements
Contents can adapt to any compoennt size.
Specify height of each control strip.
Movie can be behind or above controls.
Can now output mvspec.tox for later use with a moviePlayer in another process.
Improved layout and font sizing.
Palette:kantanMapper - Improved uv mapping for adding rows and columns in grid mode, performance improvements when textures change.
New Python
Par.exportSource - Returns the object exporting to this parameter. For example Cell, Channel, or None.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Oculus Rift - Upgrade to Oculus SDK 1.31.0.
Fixed a memory leak when parent cooking was disabled that effected Error DAT/MIDI In DAT/MIDI Event DAT/TCP/IP DAT/UDP In DAT/UDP Out DAT/Serial DAT
Bullet Solver COMP - Added an 'Initialize Sim and Collision Shapes' pulse button.
Actor COMP - Added 'Auto Initialize' parameter to automatically re-initialize when any child SOPs are changed.
OSC In CHOP - Fixed unwanted leading "/" in channel names.
Movie File In TOP - Fixed pre-loading not working correctly.
Copy SOP - Fixed error that occurs in some cases when trying to stamp.
Text SOP - Behavior on macOS is more robust now.
Text TOP - Added support for scalable fonts and mipmap texture fonts on macOS.
Fixed TD*Noise() and TDRotate* not working in geometry shaders.
Fixed oversized 3D viewer axis characters.
Fixed cursor updating so you no longer have to leave the panel and re-enter for it to update.
Fixed GPU usage showing far higher usage than actually occuring.
Fixed saving and reloading of locked SOPs containing groups.
Fixed Shared Memory and Web Render TOP issue causing them to not work at all.
Standardizing older parameter pages with sub-pages to not use sub-pages.
List COMP - Fixed crash in initialize function.
Geometry COMP - Fixed crash that can occur when turning off Instancing.
Fixed common crash that occurs when changing SOPs and navigating around networks.
Fixed opening/closing/duplicating pane crash.
Backwards Compatibility
BACKWARDS COMPABITILITY WARNING - DATs named /start and /stream/start will not longer execute on file start. Use the Execute DAT instead.