
Live Mocap for Stage show


We are looking for a touchdesigner artist/programmer to collaborate with us develop a live mocap system for a stage performance:


The file must be able to:

- Capture the artists face and hands via a camera with low latency. Possibly the Torso

- Work with the inhouse team to develop the required Face and Hand model 

- Take the live capture and rig onto the Face and Hand model with all moving elements IE fingers, eyes, mouth 

- Combine the face and hand model into one output

- Create a system via OSC or Artnet to control the X/Y coordinates of the Face/Hand model on the output

- Send the output out to another media server via NDI

- Build a UI for Touchplayer so the artist can see the avatar and tracking system on a monitor


Once built and signed off, to handover to inhouse team for tweaks.


Show is in December 2024. We are starting the R&D for this element imminently


Please contact with a portfolio/CV/examples of work and a proposed fee/rate 




Available from 
Thursday, July 25, 2024