
Projection mapping

Projection mapping involves custom solutions to every job, no two projection setups are the same. TouchDesigner’s suite of features and customization options ensure any projection project is possible.

Image credits ISAM, Amon Tobin

TouchDesigner's open platform offers multiple solutions to tackle the job. Small and large projects can be approached in a variety of ways to fit the different scenarios and budgets encountered in projection mapping. A toolset of projection tools is included to get you started quickly. Starting with the basics of shaping your output, the “Stoner” tool can take care of any keystone and grid-type mesh warping needs. This and the “ProjectorBlend” tool which handles projector blending can take the pain out of initial projector setup. 

For 2D projection mapping and masking, “Kantan Mapper” is at your service. Create polygons or bezier layer shapes to map and mask anything your projector hits with light. Any image, movie, or texture can be applied to these shapes and manipulated with the built-in orientation and transform tools. Shaping the output further with keystone and warping tools can also be applied per layer.

The most complicated projection mapping to tackle is 3D mapping. “Camschnappr” tool helps make this easier. Armed with a 3D model of what is being projecting onto, simply line up 6 points with the Camschnappr interface and it calculates the position of the projector automatically adjusting the output to fit the 3D shape.

For large and complex mapping scenes, TouchDesigner has native support for 3rd party automatic mapping solutions such as Vioso and Scalable Displays software.


  • Tight integration with the real-time 3D engine allows for complete pre-visualization of projection setups. 
  • Support for a wide variety of projection formats for mapping, dome, VR, stitching, and environment lights. 
  • "Stoner" tool for keystoning, grid mesh warping, and masking. 
  • "Kantan Mapper" tool for advanced 2D mapping and masking including freeform and bezier shapes. 
  • "Camschnappr" tool for 3D model based projection alignment and calibration. 
  • "SweetSpot" tool for trompe l'oeil effects that create an optical illusion of 3D from a 2D output. 
  • Support for 3rd party solutions like Scalable Display's and Vioso's automatic mapping calibration tools.