【 活動資訊 】 日期:2024年8月25日(日) 時間:10:00-17:00 地點:臺中國家歌劇院 角落沙龍(臺中市西屯區惠來路二段 101 號) 交通指引:https://www.npac-ntt.org/visit/transportation 費用:1000 元 課程適合對象:建議至少已理解並能夠運用Feedback TOP 以上程度之學員參與。
For Advanced
Hey everyone. In this video we will be looking at the type hint mechanism introduced in python and how we can use it to enhance our extensions-writing experience in td.
Enhance your TD development by using python type hints
Hey everyone. In this video we will be looking at the type hint mechanism introduced in python and how we can use it to enhance our extensions-writing experience in td.
Enhance your TD development by using python type hints
Hello TouchDesigners, and welcome aboard the TensorFlow hype train! Choo choo! One of our users recently contacted us and was wondering how to run TensorFlow-GPU, with Anaconda, in TouchDesigner.
Getting Started with TensorFlow-GPU and TouchDesigner
https://vimeo.com/605201894 I'm sharing a video walkthrough of a project involving Boids. The project is available on Github: https://github.com/DBraun/TouchDesigner_Shared/tree/master/Starters/boids
Boids / Flocking / Compute Shader for binning particles
Hey! I hope you spent some time experimenting with ideas from first part, achieve something interesting results and have motivation to dive deeper into the same topic.
Houdini x TouchDesigner Audio Creation Baton We TDSW ( Tokyo Developer's Study Weekend ) have posted an exciting turorial series on our Youtube Channel!!
TouchDesigner x Houdini Audio Visual Creation Baton Tutorial
I was deeply saddened to know that John Conway passed away on 11 of April 2020, due to COVID-19. Just one week prior I was playing with the "Game of Life" algorithm, so this news felt very close.