
TouchDesigner InSession 15.0

Join us for InSession this Friday July 30th with our special guest Kampala-based artist Noel Apitta aka @scarletmottif.  Noel has some questions about taking the components he has been producing to date and building a system that combines them all into a TDAbleton controlled set. For that we will have Ivan (TDAbleton) and Jarrett (sceneChanger) from the Derivative team.
DEVELOPERS' CORNER is a new segment of the show that will premiere on Friday with Rob McConnell giving a brief overview of the textCOMP currently in development.
See you soon!


Please note the new time of 14:00 EST


Markus Heckmann
Jarrett Smith
Ivan DelSol
Isabelle Rousset



TouchDesigner InSession will take place every three weeks. The format will be to have three consecutive participants each consult for up to 30 minutes with one or more members of our team. The event will be live-streamed and we encourage the community at large to tune in and ask their own questions in the chat. 

  • To apply, please fill out and submit this registration form. Before submitting please read carefully:

  • Incomplete registrations will not be considered. (“More info to come…” is not good enough.)

  • The session will be streamed online to the whole community. Make sure there is nothing secret in your project that you don’t want to reveal or you are not allowed to share.

  • We will use the latest Official and Experimental builds. Let us know what your project was created with.

  • Make sure your linked project or .tox file runs out of the box. For example be sure that any paths are relative to your project file.

  • If at all possible, break out issues with your project into smaller examples.

  • We encourage you to use TouchDesigner’s sample assets where possible.

  • Please be considerate of download sizes. A GB per project is too big.

The next session is scheduled for:Friday, July 30th at 16:00 EST.