
TDBOY - The GameBoy Emulator in TouchDesigner For Beginners

TDBOY - The GameBoy Emulator in TouchDesigner

TDBOY is a GameBoy emulator built within TouchDesigner, enabling you to play all your favorite GameBoy games with a modern twist. Unlike traditional emulators, TDBOY offers a unique and immersive experience by allowing you to customize and interact with the game through various inputs. Whether it's sound, gestures, videos, or any other imaginable input, TDBOY transforms your gameplay into an interactive multimedia experience.




Thanks to: Mads Ynddal, Baekalfen for PyBoy availale here: Github/Baekalfen/PyBoy

Exemple used in the video : Teachable_Machine_0.2 by Blankensmith (Patreon)



(Only tested on Mac M2 and Mac Studio M2)

Asset Downloads

Readme_0.txt (1017 bytes)
Experience level 
