
ReaRouteTD_MONO: Reaper + TouchDesigner for Easy Real-time Audio Reactive Vid (Tutorial + .tox file) For Beginners

Reaper and TouchDesigner are basically ready to communicate with each other out of the box, but many people don't realize how easy this is to setup. This video + file are geared for new TD users coming from the DAW Reaper. That said, I use this pupper all the time because audio reactivity is at the heart of what I do, and I save a lot of time by just dragging this in as needed.


Download this free .tox file and follow along to get a head start on making your first real-time audio reactive visuals!

ReaRouteTD_MONO.tox (

Type $0 for free, anything more as a tip/incentive to keep teaching and sharing. I'm using Gumroad because it makes for an easy place to continually update assets, communicate changes & get metrics on how much interest there is in creating future tools.

You'll have to make sure you chose the optional "ReaRoute" add-on when installing Reaper. Good? Then drag and drop this .tox file into TouchDesigner and we can start utilizing 16 different virtual hardware sends in Reaper to control and infinite amount of parameters in TD. Further instructions are inside the ReaRouteTD container.


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