In the following video, you’re going to learn how to control both analog and digital instruments through movement with the help of TouchDesigner, Ableton Live and a Kinect camera.
Will Alves, Content Programmer, IM Communication Location: Stockholm imcommunication on facebook We asked Will Alves, content programmer at the young and highly energetic Swedish company IM Communication -specialists in largescale projection, reactive surfaces and interactive environments - about hi
A Behind the Scenes Report on the Making of the Show Visuals and Delivery Systems Image credits Valerio Berdini | Amon Tobin's show ISAM premiered at MUTEK June 1st to incredulity and awe from fans and the media alike.
'Perception of Consequence' is an installation by Kamil Nawratil that places a custom-fabricated wave-like structure within the space as a 3D surface for the stereoscopic projection of fluid form animations (pictured above).