Bileam Tschepe aka elekktronaut is a Berlin based artist and educator who creates audio-reactive, interactive and organic digital artworks, systems and installations in TouchDesigner, collaborating with and teaching people worldwide.
Posted on: Jun 04th 2020
Hi everyone,
this is a "full" free beginner course aimed at everyone who wishes to start learning TouchDesigner.
SOPs - atajos de teclado - Touchdesigner para Principiantes. SOPs - atajos de teclado - Touchdesigner para Principiantes. Atajos de teclado y ratón específicos para los operadores de canales (SOP) con el modo visor activo.
Hi all, Elburz here! Today we have a guest post by Rob McDonald. Rob’s an interesting artist in our field because while he has grown up with music and arts like many of us, he also is a professional in security-focused infrastructure development for large financial institutions.