Python has more and more reach these days - from web services to internet of things objects, scientific and statistical analysis of data, what you can do with Python is ever expanding. While it's possible to do all of this work from the ground up, it's often easier (and faster) to use libraries that other people have published. TouchDesigner already comes with a few extra libraries included like OpenCV and Numpy. Once you have a handle on working with Python the world feels like it's your oyster... but how you work with a magical little external library in TouchDesigner can be very tricksy. Worse yet, if you happen to get it working on your machine, making work on another can be infuriating. Over the course of this workshop we'll take a look at what you can do to make this process as smooth and painless as possible, as well as some considerations and practices that will help you stay sane when you're trouble shooting this wild Python rollercoaster.