Bileam Tschepe aka elekktronaut is a Berlin based artist and educator who creates audio-reactive, interactive and organic digital artworks, systems and installations in TouchDesigner, collaborating with and teaching people worldwide.
Posted on: Jun 04th 2020
In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we create a Base Comp with custom parameters, so you can create your own reusable components.
Introducción a conceptos basicos del uso y estrutura de los operadores, y sus categorias, basado en el archivo .TOE que podra encontrar en este LINK>> false
Initial Controls:
lmb + drag = orbit (rotate around focal point)
mmb + drag = dolly (zoom)
rmb + drag = pan (move left/right up/down according to cameras local x/y plane orientation) This component is meant to imitate the maya/max/blender style of arcball navigation, the main (see github for full documentation including examples) TektTDCommon is a collection of utilities that can be used when creating TouchDesigner C++ custom OPs.