_/ Pen plotter drawing / Digital NFT / Audio Creation
_/ Duration : 5min02sec
_/ Dimensions : 21cm X 29,7 / 1360px X 1920px
_/ Softwares & Hardwares : Touchdesigner, Ableton Live, Idraw, Gelly Roll 0.8
_/Recorded in Paris : 04/12/2021
_/Minted as NFT on objkt.com platform.
Website : https://www.tscn-studio.com/portfolio/slttas/
Shop: https://www.tscn-studio-shop.com/
SLTTAS is a series of 25 unique visuals. Each piece is acquired digitally (an NFT image) and physically (a robot-assisted drawing). All generative visuals are created by an audio video patch in Touchdesigner that explores complex geometric shapes with a line as the starting point. Through a multitude of variations and connections, this line gradually becomes a more complex shape.
Generated during a live performance, TS/CN makes the sound interact with the shapes, triggering a transformation process. The sound’s data generates displacements, rotations, changes of scale and other transformations to create these proteiform structures. This project focuses on capturing the mutations of geometric shapes through space and time. These 25 unique visuals seem both familiar and complex.
From lines disrupted by sound to a drawing robot with a simple pen recalling the sensitivity of human movement, the duo brings a frailty to computerized perfection.
Each artwork is delivered with a certificate of authenticity as well as an NFT (objkt.com : tezos blobkchain).
_// PROCESS //
The whole process of digital creation was mainly done on Touchdesigner. The initial idea was born from the use of the Sop circle and all the variations that could be done with it: division, arc angle, arc type etc. Once a simple shape is created, several copies are made according to its rotation (xyz), translation (xyz).
The sound part is created on Ableton. With TDAbleton patch we were able to use the data that came out of the software and make it communicate with the 3D part. From bass to kick, Audio triggers up to 11 parameters. To add this organic feeling, all the parameters (volume, filters, reverbs, etc…) were set to -∞ and then played live, to capture a moment that can’t be reproduced. To generate our unique limited series, 25 “secrets” musical fx were affected by a trigger that screen-shot the animation during the performance.
As we had to be in realtime for the performance and without having any dropframe problem, we separated the audio and video part on two different computers with an ethernet cable and chop sync In/out for the link between them.We exported each shape using Matthew Ragan's Sop to svg patch. Then all the svg were sent to the pen plotter directly with Inkescape.
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