Exploring the Capabilities of the Dragon’s Volumetric Immersive Reality in Audiovisual Art Experiences.
An installation where the viewer takes on the role of the operator, controlling thousands of LED neurons and transforming the Dragon Volumetric LED Display into an interactive environment
ORIGINS 1.0 is a collaborative workshop happening on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th of January in an intimate gathering near DownTown LA where industry's top artists and TouchDesigner experts will come together to delve into the capabilities of the Dragon Immersive Volumetric Technology, TouchDesigner Software, and NOITOM Perception Neuron, to explore the format and create new models of interactive and interoperable audiovisual experiences.
The workshop will be led by Tommy Etkin, Immerse Studio co-founder and creator of the RayTK TouchDesigner library; Danilo Grande, Founder of LedPulse Technologies; François Hoertel, LedPulse Tech Lead; Shaoyu Su, Director of Technology at Ganek Immersive Studio and School of Cinematic Arts, USC; Pete Thornbury, Visual Production Specialist and Founding owner of PEXEL, and Jarrett Smith, Systems Analyst at Derivative.
On Saturday,
Attendees will be introduced to the volumetric format and will explore the basics of the system, including how to transmit an image and basic properties to respect, mapping functions, interconnection with a computer, video file formats, and real-life applications.
Attendees will learn about the "Standard Volumetric Render Pipeline" and showcase their work, demonstrating what works well and the problems that need to be curated. In the afternoon, there will be a session about interactivity and interoperability with other devices such as Kinect Azure, Depth Sensor, Mocap, Leap motion, AI, Vive Tracker, etc., and will have the opportunity to test out their ideas in a dedicated playground period.
On Sunday,
Attendees will dive deeper into the "RayTK Volumetric Render Pipeline", from Tommy Etkin, which opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for volumetric content creation. He will be showcasing the features of RayTK from scratch while demonstrating in real-time with the Dragon. Attendees will also have the opportunity to test out their ideas in a second dedicated playground period. Finally, the workshop will conclude with an open discussion about the future of the technology, the evolution of the system, AI & ML interoperability, and the future of immersive experiences.
ORIGINS 1.0 was designed as a global experience, with artists not only participating in the workshop but also creating from all around the world. Although online applications for creators have closed, you can still be a part of the event by tuning in to the live stream. SUBSCRIBE THROUGH THIS LINK.