OBJI is a virtual reality experience that allows you to see your body in point cloud form in real time. You can interact with a virtual version of yourself standing in front of you. Your experience is recorded, you are then used as a character representation for the next person who will try the installation. The end result is based on the notion of temporality and body language. OBJI is a collective work of about 3 minutes, the sound reacts according to your movement in space.
A Setup that i wanted to configure for so looong time, mix Kinect with Vive.
The installation is decompose in 5 sections : Yourseft Mirror Interaction (Get comfortable with the tool and your body), Last Person Interaction (really depend of the people behaviour), See Yourseft Recorded (sometimes interesting), Feedback Gesture (Get your body some motion), Aspiration (Forget about it, you are completly lost), Caches (Be Hinduism divinity in 10 sec).
Since i recorded everybody, let me the chance to make a funny compilation. Here the best moments of Chromatic Expo 2018.
For more details, here is a link to my website :