Whether you are a beginner with no experience, or someone with years of experience on projects, each of these training videos has plenty of gems that are practical and reflect the current best-practices for TouchDesigner, taught by three product developers at Derivative.
Available Videos
- User Interface Basics
- Intro to TOPs (Texture Operators)
- Intro to SOPs (Surface Operators)
- Intro to Components
- Intro to CHOPs (Channel Operators)
- Intro to DATs (Data Operators)
- Audio Visualization and Rendering
- Movie Player Panel and Building User Interfaces
- Perform Mode and Window Management
Videos Coming Soon
- Rendering using Instancing of 3D Geometry
- Input-Output Devices
- Controlling LEDs via DMX/Artnet
- Projection Mapping Example - 2 Projectors Blending with Camschnappr
- Data Visualization - Sunburst Example
- Interacting with Objects in a 3D Scene using Render-Picking
- Controlling One Scene from Multiple Remote Panels
User Interface Basics and an Introduction to TOPs | Parts 1 - 5 with Ben Voigt
Texture Operators, also known as TOPs, are image operators that provide real-time, GPU-based compositing and image manipulation. All calculations for TOPs are performed on the system's GPU. TOPs can be used for preparing textures, compositing streams images and movies, building control panel elements, and almost any other image task you might have.
Introduction to SOPs | with Ben Voigt
Surface Operators, also known as SOPs, are operators that can generate, import, modify and combine 3D surfaces (also called geometry). The surface types are polygons, curves, NURBS surfaces, metaballs and particles.
Introduction to Components and More UI Navigation | with Ben Voigt
Components (or COMPs) are unique compared to other operator families in that they contain their own networks. To make a new network in your project, create a new Component using the OP Create Menu and selecting from the COMP tab. Then go inside your new component and start building your network. Component networks can contain operators and/or additional sub-networks (additional components). Sub-networks create a hierarchy of networks that can be navigated (using the network path) and forms the overall hierarchical structure of .toe/.tox files.
Introduction to CHOPs - Channel Operators | Parts 1 & 2 with Greg Hermanovic
CHOPs, short for Channel OPerators, are a powerful technology which enables the processing of motion data, audio, on-screen controls, MIDI data, and controls from input devices. A CHOP contains one or more motion curves or "channels". A CHOP modifies the channels, and then passes the channels on to the next CHOP in the network. CHOPs are then connected to object motion or any other animated part of TouchDesigner via "exporting" and "channel references".
Introduction to DATs - Data Operators | with Greg Hermanovic
Data OPerators (or DATs) are used to hold text data like strings, scripts, and XML. DATs either contain multiple lines of text as in a script, or a table of rows and columns of cells, each containing one string. DATs can be linked together to select, re-arrange and evaluate data and expressions, making DATs a powerful procedural scripting tool.
Audio Visualization and Rendering | Parts 1, 2, 3 with Markus Heckmann
Using an audio file as input to animate a particle system which when rendered out, a few compositing effects are applied as well.
The Movie Player Panel and Building UIs with Ben Voigt | Parts 1, 2
In this demo we build a panel or a window that looks at or references a folder of movies or media, loads these movies into the panel and allows you to select the movie that is playing. The demo covers interface building and the logic necessary to put data into the right places.