(English follows)
ビジュアルクリエイターのためのTOUCHDESIGNERバイブル: 映像と音楽を駆使したビジュアルアートの創り方をトップクリエイターの作例から解説」(発行:
TOUCHDESIGNER Bible for Visual Creators : Explaining how to create visual art that makes full use of video and music from the examples of top creators
This book was released in Japan on December 17th by publisher Seibundo Shinkosha. This book starts with the basics of TouchDesigner and is structured to help you reach the intermediate level through examples.
You can purchase it at bookstores all over Japan, online at Amazon, Rakuten, Honto, and Yodobashi.com. The example.toe file can be downloaded from the URL at the top of the table of contents page (P005).
本書は、川村 健一(Dentsu Isobar)、松岡 湧紀氏、森岡 東洋志氏(BASSDRUM)が執筆し、監修にはDerivative社のプロダクトマネージャーであるBen Voigt氏に担当いただきました。
また、TouchDesigner User’s ShowcaseではDave & Gabe (USA)、Vincent Houzé (USA)、WHITEvoid (Germany)の作品を紹介させていただきました。
This book was written by Kenichi Kawamura (Dentsu Isobar), Yuuki Matsuoka, and Toyoshi Morioka (BASSDRUM), and was supervised by Ben Voigt (Derivative). In addition, a Showcase of TouchDesigner Users introduces the works of Dave & Gabe (USA), Vincent Houzé (USA), and WHITEvoid (Germany).
TOUCH DESIGNER Bible for Visual Creators:
Explaining how to create visual art that makes full use of video and music from the examples of top creators
TouchDesigner とは
First Step1: TouchDesignerをはじめよう
First Step2: TouchDesigner の基本操作を覚えよう
TouchDesigner User’s Showcase
Step01: 音に反応するグラフィックを作ってみよう
Step02: Webカメラを使った時間差表現
Step03: 3D空間を活用したオーディオリアクティブなグラフィック
Step04: TouchDesignerでのパーティクル表現
Step05: 3Dオブジェクトを使った表現
Step06: カメラを使ったアニメーション表現
Step07: UIを使って表現を切り替える
Step08: スマートフォンと連携させる
Step09: Depth cameraを使った表現
Step10: 物理シミュレーションを使った作例。Bulletを使用した2Dゲーム
Step11: GLSLの基本
Step12: GLSL MATを使用した表現
Step13: スクリプトを書く
TouchDesigner の学習方法
川村 健一
川村 健一(カワムラ ケンイチ)
Dentsu Isobar: Creative Director/Media Artist
松岡 湧紀(マツオカ ユウキ)
森岡 東洋志(モリオカ トヨシ)
BASSDRUM: Tech Director。
大学で視覚の研究に従事したのち、メーカーで3Dスキャナなどの研究開発を行う。その後、現1→10, inc.に入社。エンジニア、テクニカルディレクター、CTOなどを歴任したのちベースドラムに移籍。2020年から現職。プロダクト開発やサービス開発のコンサルティングやテクニカルディレクションを行う。京都芸術大学、大阪芸術大学で非常勤講師としてTouchDesignerを教えている。また、SPEKTRAとして関西を拠点にVJ、ライトインスタレーション、ワークショップなどの活動も行っている。
[Author comment]
This book is a practical book for you to experience the possibilities of TouchDesigner. It is designed so you can start from a basic introduction and improve through practical examples to the intermediate level. At this point you’ll have the background to handle more difficult subjects on your own.
I feel that we are in an era where speed is the only question. I myself face daily situations where current solutions will not work tomorrow. Instead of simply following the path of the past as it is, examine the essence of the problem and derive a new solution from trial and error. Isn't it this kind of thinking that’s important when working creatively?
TouchDesigner is the creative tool that enables this kind of flow, which is exactly why I am focusing on it.
In this book, we explain the technology and reinforce the theme of "the importance of constantly changing”. It can be said that technology changes with the times and is ephemeral, but in the end it is up to you to be swallowed by technology or to master it. Why not master the technology and open up the era with your own hands?
We hope that you will take the first step in finding the answer through trial and error through this book.
Kenichi Kawamura
[Author profile]
Kenichi Kawamura
Dentsu Isobar: Creative Director / Media Artist
After working as an art director and interaction designer, he joined Dentsu Isobar. He is engaged in technology-based creative work based on his extensive knowledge in design, technology, and marketing. Over the years he has worked on many projects with TouchDesigner, including video production, system development for corporate events, distribution systems, workshop lecturers, and stage presentations at events.
Yuki Matsuoka
Interaction designer
After graduating from university, he joined Dentsu Isobar. He is involved in technology-based planning and digital creative software development.
Toyoshi Morioka
BASSDRUM: Tech Director
After engaging in visual research at university, Toyoashi worked with manufacturers researching and developing 3D scanners. After that, he joined 1 → 10, inc. company serving as an engineer, technical director, and CTO. In 2020 he began working with Bassdrum in his current position. He provides consulting and technical direction for product and service development.
Additionally Toyoshi teaches TouchDesigner as a part-time lecturer at Kyoto University of Arts and Osaka University of Arts. He is also involved in activities such as VJing, light installations and workshops with SPEKTRA group based in Kansai.
Click here for publisher link.