This post announces the release of LygiaTD. A native port of Ligya Shader Library. Another one? I know... keep reading for the differences.
Kudos to the original developers both Patricio Gonzalez Vivo for the original source and LEITHBA for the original LYGIA FOR TOUCHDESGINER library.
Kudos to the original developers both Patricio Gonzalez Vivo for the original source and LEITHBA for the original LYGIA FOR TOUCHDESGINER library.
Find the source files here:
This library is a statically built version of the library ~ and hence no internet connection is needed for file resolution during runtime.
This version uses TouchDesigner's native include resolution mechanism for all the library's
The provided
This version uses TouchDesigner's native include resolution mechanism for all the library's
.The provided
file bundles all the files from the original libraries with modified paths and compliant names for it to work inside TouchDesigner.Motivation
Shortly after the original library's release
While the library works perfectly fine, it uses runtime web resolution for the files, which then makes having an internet connection available a requirement, on top of the overhead of such resolutions.
On the other hand TouchDesigner has native include resolution at it's core, and for that reason I decided to bundle a native version of the library.
a TouchDesigner version of it was published here by LeithBA.While the library works perfectly fine, it uses runtime web resolution for the files, which then makes having an internet connection available a requirement, on top of the overhead of such resolutions.
On the other hand TouchDesigner has native include resolution at it's core, and for that reason I decided to bundle a native version of the library.