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Introducing the 200 Series for the TouchDesigner Curriculum


Time flies – it was a year ago that we launched a new educational portal for TouchDesigner on In the year since the TouchDesigner Curriculum has gone live, we’ve gotten a lot of feedback from individuals and instructors who have gone through the materials. We’re excited to share that we’ve been collaborating once again with the SudoMagic team to add new materials in the 200 Series, focused on intermediate content.

What’s new

To kick off the 200 Series: TouchDesigner Intermediate, we’ve added the first three sections: 201, 202, and 203 – with 26 new topics and over 100 new examples. The 200 Series content follows some of the same structural patterns from the Fundamentals course where 102 was all about TOPs,  202 continues its focus on the TOP family from a more intermediate lens.  Here’s a quick snapshot of what you’ll find in this new series: 

201 – Converting Data Types & Instancing

The 201 lesson starts off with an examination of how we move data between operator families. Converting between families can be confusing, and the topics in this lesson cover the intricacies of how to get started and how to use the data once it’s converted. 201 also includes a closer look at instancing – from understanding the basics of how instancing works to using TOPs, CHOPs, and DATs to drive your instancing networks.

202 – TOPs & Intermediate Image Manipulation

In 202, you’ll find new topics that cover noise, image displacement, channel mixing, image techniques (like slit scan), working with render passes and more. It’s easy to get lost in experimenting with all of the parameters you’ll find on Texture Operators, and the topics in this lesson are aimed at helping unlock some creative opportunities that come with manipulating images.

203 – CHOPs & Intermediate Signal Manipulation

The 203 lesson is all about intermediate work with CHOPs. Channel Operators can trip up beginners and seasoned users alike. The topics in this lesson are all about uncovering some of the hidden superpowers of CHOPs. From a closer look at the Shuffle CHOP and how it can sequence samples, to the many varieties of manipulating time with the Timer CHOP, and even how to perform logical operations across CHOP networks made up of single or multi-sample CHOPs, the 203 lesson covers a wide range of techniques.

Downloadable Example TOX Files

Just like in the TouchDesigner Fundamentals course, each topic includes a downloadable TOX file with deeply annotated networks and additional examples. While the project files in the 100 Series had a concise focus for brand new users, the 200 Series includes examples that are more deeply annotated with more complex examples. 

If you’re curious about noise in TouchDesigner, then the examples from 202’s Working with the Noise TOP might be what you’re after. The example on deterministic noise covers some of the underlying principles of determinism and how you can use the noise coordinate (the second input) on the Noise TOP. 

If you’ve ever needed to download a large image from the internet or display a loading animation, all without dropping any frames, then the 203’s Sequencing Events has just the example you’re looking for.

Or maybe you’ve gotten stuck trying to understand how sequencing channels and samples really works – if this is you, then 203’s Using the Shuffle CHOP might have the hint you need.

With over 100 of these examples, there’s something for new users and veterans alike.

The 200 Series: TouchDesigner Intermediate

The 200 Series: TouchDesigner Intermediate is live today, and you can find these lessons in the new 200 course available from the TouchDesigner Curriculum’s site menu under Courses. Don’t hesitate to use these new materials in your courses, or to remix the examples you find in the downloaded TOX files. The TouchDesigner community continues to be energizing, inspiring and innovative. We’re excited to share these new materials with you, and hope you feel the same.

Happy Noding!

