
TD Launcher V1 (Automatic Build Detection)

TD Launcher

A standalone windows launcher application for automatically opening TouchDesigner projects (.toe files) with the correct version of Touch, choosing from what is currently installed on your system or allowing you to download the correct version and install it from the launcher.


You can download an installer for the latest version from the releases section of the GitHub page.

Toe Autolaunch

Download TD and Install from Launcher

Older Builds not yet supported

What's this for

If you work on a lot of TD projects, or support many older projects you know the pain of having to manage / guess / remember which version something was built in. A real pain if you accidentally upgrade your projects build and lose work when trying to downgrade back again!

How this works

This tool scans your computer when launched for TouchDesigner entries, and builds a list of available TD executable paths that can potentially be used. It then analyzes the .toe file and loads the GUI with the appropriate option selected, and starts a 5 second timer.
If you interupt it by clicking anywhere, you can choose a different version or cancel. If you leave it undisturbed, it will launch after 5 sec in the detected version.
If the required version of Touch is not found, the launcher will not launch anything automatically, and will wait for your input with the required build highlighted in red.

How to use

Download the installer from the releases page on the github page, and set windows to open your toe files with that by default. Doubleclicking on toes from that point onwards will launch them with the Launcher.

You can also drag and drop toe files onto the launcher.

Asset Downloads
